Let’s Play: Monsterhearts auf deutsch von PnPTings
3. August 2021Rezi: So tief die schwere See
5. August 2021Auf dem Youtube-Kanal vom Gauntlet gibt es eine spannende Spielrunde Monsterhearts, mit der Desigerin des Spiels Avery Alder aus dem Jahr 2017:
Monsterhearts 2 lets you and your friends create stories about sexy monsters, teenage angst, personal horror, and secret love triangles. When you play, you explore the terror and confusion of having a body that is changing without your permission. This game is powered by the Apocalypse World engine. It draws inspiration from Twilight, Buffy, Ginger Snaps, The Vampire Diaries, and The Craft. This game will be run by the game’s designer, Avery Alder.